before interview


• Do as much research on the company as you can. You should know who you will be interviewing with, what the job description is, what the company is looking for in an ideal candidate, and the company culture. Knowing facts about the company will show that you are genuinely interested in the position. When interviewing for a dental position, you should know how many doctors and employees does the company have? Is the office a ‘fee for service” or do they contract with insurance companies? Is the office a “corporate” office? How many patients to they see a day? The more information you know, the better prepared you will be.

• Have several copies of your resume available (you want everyone who might be in the interview to have their own copy) along with a list of references, certificates, copy of license, and proof of any additional trainings. KNOW your resume. Be prepared to answer any questions or back-up all statements on your resume with specific examples.

• Have a pen and notepad available to take notes. Taking notes not only tells the interviewer that you value their opinion, but gives you the opportunity to glance at your notes reminding yourself of your key strengths you wanted to communicate during the interview and the questions you prepared ahead of time to ask during the interview.

• Present yourself in a professional manner. Even if the company has a casual dress code, that does not give you the permission to dress casually for an interview. Clothing should be age and profession- appropriate. For men: a well-fitting suit with a tie or slacks with a crisp white shirt and polished shoes. For women: a dress or pencil skirt (classic and flattering on all body type) with a neutral blouse and office appropriate close-toe office shoes with tasteful accessories. And dress MODESTLY – watch the neckline and hemline! Both should be well groomed i.e.: fresh haircut and clean shaven, light make-up, well-trimmed/manicured nails, NO perfumes or colognes. Remove any facial piercings and hide tattoos.

• Arrive 5 minutes before the scheduled interview (too early and you might find yourself staring at the interviewer making him/her feel obligated to start the meeting earlier than planned).

• When you arrive, greet the receptionist warmly and introduce yourself (“My name is … I’m here to meet with … “).

• DO NOT go into the office with a coffee or any other beverage or food. A small water bottle tucked into your briefcase or bag is okay (a well-timed sip of water can do wonders for a dry, nervous interview mouth).


• Practice good non-verbal communication – It’s about demonstrating confidence and making a good first impression. Stand straight, make eye contact, smile and connect with a strong handshake.

• Listen and pay attention. Throughout the interview, the interviewer will be giving you information and asking questions, either directly, or more often, indirectly. If you are not hearing this information, you are missing a major opportunity to show your ability and talk about your skills.

• Express yourself politely and with manners. Be your BEST self. Use appropriate language, avoiding slang words or stereotypes. Use key words and phrases that you identified in your research of the company.

interviewing• DO NOT BE overly FAMILIAR (An interview is a professional meeting to talk business, not to make best friends.), COCKY (There is a fine line between confidence, professionalism and modesty), or TOO TALKATIVE (Telling the interviewer more than he needs to know or rambling when answering a question, is a sure way to talk yourself out of a job. Instead, relate only information on how your skills match with the position’s requirements.)

• It is important to bring energy and enthusiasm to the interview so try and mimic the interviewer’s demeanor.

• Be CONCISE, PROVIDE EXAMPLES, and BE HONEST when answering questions. Don’t ramble or go off target. Don’t be afraid to finish your answer with a “Did that answer your question?” comment. And if you don’t know the answer to a question or have a particular skill, just admit it. Ask if you can provide them information on a related skill or similar situation that will show your ability.

• Gear your answers towards what YOU can do for the company and not for what THEY can do for you!

• Ask questions. Good questions demonstrate that you’ve researched the company, and the position, and are interested in what goes on there. Asking questions gives you the opportunity to find out if this is where you want to be, if it’s the right “fit.”

• Possible questions might include: “What do YOU like best about working of this company?” or “What are some of the challenges associated with this position?” or “What have past employee done to excel in this position?”

• The best interviews are a give and take. Maintain a good conversational style throughout the interview by engaging your interviewer. Come prepared to discuss the company, the position, your background, and current trends in the industry. This will convey your preparation for the interview, your intelligence, people skills, communication skills, and a commitment to your career.

• Reflect on the there Cs during the interview: Cool, Calm and Confidence. You know you can do this job; make sure the interviewer believes your can too! If appropriate, politely ask to be hired without sounding desperate.

• And finally, send a thank you note to your interviewer.